Society Of the Middle Ages Board of Directors

Brian Martin

Brian Martin


Brian has been actively involved in medieval recreation since 1986 and has received recognition for his efforts in armored combat, performance arts and service. In that time, he has met some of his oldest and dearest friends. He met the love of his life to whom he’s been married for 30 years. He has been honored to share the tournament and battlefield with skilled and honorable opponents. He was favored to be able to share drinks, stories and song with people who were larger than life, and seemed better suited to legend than this mortal world. He carries these treasured memories with him, and is working to create still more in the SMA.

Sir William of Gloucester is an English knight who fought under the banner of the Earl of Huntington at the Battle of Crecy. There he had the good fortune to capture and ransom to the good earl a French count. The proceeds of this ransom thereby founded his fortune. While in France, he met a Burgundian lady and was instantly stricken by her beauty and her charm. For reasons unknown, but which he has never questioned, this pearl of Burgundy agreed to be his wife and traveled with him to his home in the midlands of England. William and Jehanne have since, and still live at their manor of Twinoak, near the cathedral city of Gloucester.

Laura Olson

Laura Olson

Vice President of Operations

Laura Olson has been involved with Historical reenactment since 1986. She is a Knight Bachelor in the orders of Quill, Maunche and Chain. She loves to make clothing, embroidering, illumination and is working on improving her calligraphy skills. She is a keen Archer and is excited to see how large the Archery community is in SMA and hopes to see it flourish. Laura is single and the mother of two grown children and is dying to become a grandmother! She works for the largest blood bank in Texas and has a background in teaching. She has also been an entrepreneur in the Equestrian industry, breeding, training and showing Quarter and Paint horses. She is a country girl at heart and Medieval farming practices is a new rabbit hole she is diving into! 

Dame Mora MacPhersone, is a 15th century Scottish widow living on her dower lands at Badenoch. While her lord husband was alive, she traveled with him extensively as he was in service to the King as an ambassador. It has given her a broad view of other lands and cultures and a taste for wearing silk. She still travels when duty calls, but she likes the comforts of her own hearth best.

Paul Mitchell

Paul Mitchell

Chairman of the Board

Paul Mitchell has been involved in medieval re-enacting since 1979.  He is a knight in four medievalist organizations, the first coming in 1987.  He has founded branches, traveled, taught, learned, helped, led, and followed for over four decades.  Many of his best relationships have been with people he met through this hobby.

In the Society of the Middle Ages, he is a Knight Commander of both the Orders of the Golden Chain and Golden Quill, and is a Knight Banneret of the Order of the Golden Maunche, Companion of the Order of Aquilla, a holder of the Lion d’Or, a Companion of the Order of Vigilance, and is an active fighter (chivalric and historical), archer, herald and bard.  He is the founding seneschal of the Shire of Stokeford-Upon-Trinity.  He is also the author of Sir Galen’s Guide to Knighthood in the Society of the Middle Ages.

Paul lives in Plano, Texas, near Dallas, with Karie, his wife of 27 years, and three of their five children.  He is sixty years old.  He can be reached at:

Sir Galen of Bristol, Baron Willowbourne, is an English knight and noble of the late 14th century.

Melissa Grace Marsch

Melissa Grace Marsch

Vice Chairman

In Society life I am known as Melissa Falleinwell.

I’m a retired teacher who lives in New York.

I'm looking forward to crafting SMA into a more immersive experience for event goers, where they can get a taste of the sort of life that medieval people lived in the manors and towns. I'm especially looking forward to themed events.

Melissa Falleinwell hails from England near the Severn River during the reign of Stephen and Matilda. I make Church vestmants and paraments.

Erika L. Haeffner

Erika L. Haeffner

Vice President of Member Services and Secretary

Erika L. Haeffner serves on the Board of Directors in two roles, as the secretary and as Vice President of Member Services. Professionally, Erika has been an Administrator for more than ten years, she loves administrative tasks and organization that allow others and herself to enjoy medieval activities.  She is passionate about the members of society and continually looks for ways to help society grow.  Erika loves people and she enjoys serving, teaching, helping, learning, and mentoring others.  She is an Archer, a silk painter, and is learning as much as she can in the fiber arts, performing arts, and impression development.   


She has been involved in two different Medieval groups since 2018.  She continues to volunteer at all societal levels.  In addition to serving the board, she is a Kingdom Hospitaller and the herald of her local group.  She has served two royals as their royal chatelaine.  She is a Knight Banneret of the Order of the Golden Quill and a Knight Bachelor of the Orders of the Golden Chaine and the Golden Maunche.  She loves to serve others and has found a passion for both arts and sciences and thrown weapons. She is a member of three Society Guilds, the Company of St Lydia of Thyatira, the Guild of Saint Cyriacus, and the performing arts guild.   


Erika lives in Plano, Texas with her Husband Robert (Caradoc ap Cadwgon) and Son Allan, their dogs, and cats.  She is Erika Haeffner on Facebook or she can be reached by emailing her at 

William Walsh

William Walsh


In mundane life, I am a CPA who works for the United States Department of the Treasury on matters of federal taxation. I have earned a Ph.D. from the University of Wales and MBA, MA, MS, and BS degrees from various American universities.
In the SMA, I am known as Guillaume de Bordeaux, a 12th-century nobleman from the Aquitaine. I have participated in medieval reenactment activities for almost 35 years.


Susan Newbold

Susan Newbold

Vice President of Marketing

In mundanity, Susan is all that you’d expect her to be; a Loving – daughter, sister, mother, friend, cousin, crazy-aunt, etc. … and as such, has been Blessed Beyond Measure with family and family of choice that are beyond compare.

Marketer by trade, Susan has been an executive in both the technology / telecommunications fields as well as banking with Demand Generation being her most recent (8-10 year) specialty. 

Though she has been involved in medieval role-play for a comparatively short 3 years, her enthusiasm and thirst for learning have encouraged her to earn/attain the title Knight Bachelor in all three paths to Knighthood. The Golden Chain (Archery Combat), The Quill (Service) and The Robe “Maunche” (Arts and Sciences). In addition, she has served as Entourage for King Murdoch and Queen Serena, and as Head of Entourage to our glorious Paladin King, Daniel MacTavish (English spelling), and his beautiful Phoenix Queen, Alexandra Notte Claire. She is serving the SMA Board of Directors as the Director of Marketing. Susan has been involved at the local, regional, and kingdom levels of the society. 

Dame Susane Loup-blanc (Susanne ‘the’ White Wolf) is the only daughter of a French nobleman in the mid-late 1400’s. Her father has served as an ambassador to the French throne throughout most of his adult life. He would go on to serve Charles VII (English) known as “The Victorious” and “The Well Served”, during the last 8 years of his reign. Followed by Louis XI, “The Prudent” and “The Universal Spider”, for 20 years of his 22 year-long reign. After Louis XI, he served Charles III “The Affable”.

Having lost his wife in childbirth to his 5th child, a son, around Susane’s 6th birthday. He decided that he could not in good conscience travel abroad while missing the upbringing of his only daughter. He resolved that she would travel (most of the time) with him abroad, bringing her nurses, nannies and tutors along. Susane traveled extensively with her father; experiencing a great many cultures and ports of call throughout the known world. This shaped her into a most thoughtful individual when engaging with previously unknown cultures. Given her status and rank coupled with her exotic journeys, she became a most accomplished ambassador in her own right, while also being able to enjoy the luxurious ‘artifacts’ (clothing, jewels etc.) that she accumulated in her travels. She is, after all, a stylish and noble lady!!!

Christine Huse

Christine Huse

Populace Advocate at Large

Mundanely, I am known as Christine Huse. I have been a stay-at-home wife and mother for the better part of 2 decades. I homeschooled our youngest child from first grade until she graduated last year. Prior, I was a legal assistant working for a probate attorney and a financial planner. I also volunteered as a mediator on the weekends or after work. A few years ago, I lost a significant portion of my eyesight and can no longer do the job I am trained to do. Now, I sell antiques and make items to sell for a little extra income.

In the SMA, Matilda Spycer was from Exeter, England in the late 14th to early 15th century. She was the only surviving child her parents had grew up learning about medicinal herbs from her parents. She loved her little farm and garden on the outskirts of the city. She met many foreigners when she went into town to sell her herbs at the market that was situated along the docks. But she had to leave it all behind when she was falsely accused of being a witch. Before, they could arrest her, she boarded a ship and settled in the new Province of Solumbria within the Kingdom of Alendia.

Please see the Populace Advocate Page for assistance requests.

Andy Michael

Andy Michael


Sigvardr Brynjolfsson is a 9th century Viking from the rocky Isle of Iceland. Raised by fishermen on the coast of Norway, he grew up loving the sea but had a strong disdain for the family trade of fishing. When Sig reached the age of manhood, he wished his family well and set off looking for adventure. He found a job on a trader ship where he worked as a deck hand and when the need arose he would take up his axe to protect the ship or acquire items of value for the ship’s captain or himself. After hearing of a land of rocks, fire and waterfalls with beauty beyond imagination, Sig took his accumulated fortune and bought a small boat and set off for this island. Sig settled along the southern coast and built a rock hut at the base of a striking rock formation rising from the fields in the shadow of a great mountain. This mountain, “Eyjafjallajökull” was in fact a dormant volcano. If you hiked to the top of the foothills above his home you could see an amazing waterfall cascading almost 200 feet over a rocky cliff and on a clear day you could see the coast a short walk to the south from his home. Sig spent many a night under the sun and stars in the shadow of the volcano in a land “fit for Odin himself” as he would often say. Andy Beach is a public safety professional, and a full time educator. In his spare time when he is not assisting the Society as the Communication Director and Social Media Officer, he can be found riding his motorcycles, gourmet cooking, and taking photos of his travels. He has 15+ years experience in historical reenactment with time in 5 kingdoms and 2 coronet tournaments.

Chris Miller

Chris Miller


Chris is a retired Air Force colonel, retired federal civil servant, retired small business owner, and retired high school teacher. He has been active in multiple reenactments and LARP organizations since 1979. Chris has previously founded non-profits focusing on education, social life, and veterans' issues. He holds multiple degrees in Psychology, Political Science, History, and Secondary Education and is a licensed Social Studies teacher in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Sir Madoc Arundel, Baron Ácléaf Brēaƿern resides in the greater Gloucester area of England near the Welsh border in the early 13th century. He served in the Third Crusade before returning home where he spends most of his time working as a herald and brewing beer, wine, mead, and cider. He is ranked in all three Society orders of knighthood, is a member of the Order of Vigilance, and is honored to be the 3rd Aquilla of Alendia. He is also the founding chancellor of the Borough of Cnoc Fraochán and the first Muskatour King of Arms.

Chris lives in western Pennsylvania with his wife of 37 years, a dog, and two cats. He can be reached at madoc.arundel AT gmail DOT com. As a fun fact, he has a photo of himself hugging the USGS South Pole marker as proof that the world revolves around him.

Charles Miller

Charles Miller

Director - Webminister

In the Mundane world Charles Miller is a Project Administrator for Civil Construction Projects. Mostly his job consists of ensuring contract administration, compliance with contract documents and language,  and documentation. He has also practiced web design on and off for the last 10 years, building hobby and commercial websites.

In the Society of the Middle Ages Baron Connull Mac Cainnich is a late 14th century Scott hailing from Kilmarnock. Connull enjoys fighting of all kinds. When it comes to Arts and Science Connull is a true master at learning a quarter of what it takes to become proficient in everything. Above all he values Honor and Service to the greater good.

For Website questions or concerns Charles can be reached at

Jon Eppler

Jon Eppler


Sir Johann Von Aue has 34 years of reenactment experience and studies Historical Combat from period sources. 

Jon Eppler is a retired Veteran who works in Corporate Security and Emergency Management.

Most issues you have as a member can be handled by your local officers and groups. The Board of Directors focuses on society level policy creation and enforcement, as well as society level issues and escalation.

If you require assistance with an issue, please see the Contact Us page for an idea of who might be best to answer your questions.


If you do have an issue that needs to be handled by the Board of Directors, you can email the Board at
Or you can use the form to also send a message to the Board for review.

Contact the Board of Directors

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