Noble-track Awards and Recognitions

Nota Bene: the three paths are co-equal. A first-level knighthood carries the same precedence, whether it is in the Order of the Golden Chain, Order of the Golden Maunche, or Order of the Golden Quill. The same goes for the second-level knighthoods, and also for the third-level ones. In the Rolls of Precedence, it only matters how long the member has been a member of that order.

Order of the Golden Chain (Path of the Sword for Combat Knighthoods)

Knight Bachelor: first-level combat knighthood.
Knight Banneret: second-level of combat knighthood.
Knight Commander: third-level of combat knighthood.

See the Path of the Sword for more details.

Knight Bachelor: first-level art/science knighthood.
Knight Banneret: second-level of art/science knighthood.
Knight Commander: third-level of art/science knighthood.

See the Path of the Robe for more details.

Knight Bachelor: first-level service knighthood.
Knight Banneret: second-level of service knighthood.
Knight Commander: third-level of service knighthood.

See the Path of the Quill for more details.

A Guide to Knighthood in The Society of the Midde Ages

Sir Galen of Bristol has written a very comprehensive guide to Knighthood in the SMA. This guide is available to all that might wish to find out how to get started down their chosen path, and contains a lot of good information for those curious to find out more.

See the Sir Galen’s Guide for more details.

Titles Related to the Crown and Nobility

The following royal and nobility titles are reserved for use by members of the populace who meet the eligibility criteria listed here or in the corporate documents.

Sir/Dame (and all reasonable variations): Reserved for those who have been admitted to any order of knighthood in any Path.

Lord/Lady/Noble (and all reasonable variations): Reserved for those who have been granted the right to bear arms (knight banneret – the second tier of knighthood in any Path.)

Baron/Baroness (and all reasonable variations): Reserved for those who have been granted the status of Knight Commander (The 3rd tier of knighthood in any Path)

Viscount/Viscountess (and all reasonable variations): Reserved for those who have ruled a principality once.

Earl/Count/Countess (and all reasonable variations): Reserved for those who have ruled a kingdom once.

Marquis/Marquess/Marchioness (and all reasonable variations): Reserved for those who have ruled a principality two or more times.

Duke/Duchess (and all reasonable variations): Reserved for those who have ruled a kingdom two or more times.

Prince/Princess (and all reasonable variations): Alternate titles reserved for those currently ruling a principality.

Grand Duke/Duchess (and all reasonable variations): Reserved for heirs to a principality.

Archduke/Archduchess (and all reasonable variations): Reserved for those currently ruling a principality.

Crown Prince/Crown Princess (and all reasonable variations): Reserved for heirs to a kingdom.

King/Queen/Sovereign/Monarch (and all reasonable variations): Reserved for those currently ruling a kingdom.

Additional Recognitions

The Order of Angelica: granted to those who have completed a successful reign as consort of a kingdom.

The Order of Vigilance: Granted to veterans who are Honorably, Administratively, or Medically discharged from a branch of the US armed forces.

Supernumerary Knighthoods: Kingdoms have the ability to create Supernumerary Knighthoods. These are special classes of Knighthoods issued for specific accomplishments for individuals. Supernumerary Knighthoods can only be bestowed on Knight Bannerets and Knight Commanders in one of the three orders.

Children’s and Youth’s Recognitions

Can be given to any child or youth whose parent(s) or guardian(s) are paid members of the Society and who live within the kingdom. With permission of the Crown or Coronet, they can be given by the head of any local group.

Each kingdom and principality may also have its own set of recognitions for children and youths.

Order of the Golden Oak

This is a children’s order for martial prowess

(Path of the Sword)

Order of the Silver Sapling

This is a children’s order for arts and sciences

(Path of the Robe)

Order of the Golden Acorn

This is a children’s order for service

(Path of the Quill)

Kingdom Level Awards

The royalty of individual kingdoms and principalities shall have the right to create awards and honors for their realms, and to grant existing awards and honors consistent with this Codex, the laws of their kingdom and/or principality, and the customs and traditions of their realms. No such awards or orders will carry precedence.

All awards and orders must have their names and associated heraldry registered by the College of Arms before they are bestowed to the populace.

Kingdom of Álendia:

Award of Aquilla of Alendia

This award is for an individual who, in the opinion of the royalty, embodies the true spirit of the Society, the kingdom, and the knightly virtues. It may be given only once per reign.

Award of Lion d’Or

This award is given at the discretion of the royalty to any individual who, in their opinion, has committed a worthy act of chivalry, courtesy, or exemplary performance in any martial activity.

Wayfarer’s Award

This award is for individuals that have traveled the farthest to attend kingdom-level events.

Standard Augmentation of Arms

An augmentation of arms is a recognition from the Crown for extraordinary service above the highest level expected of a knight or peer of the realm. Although this standard augmentation may be used, the ultimate choice of augmentation belongs to the recipient of this honor.

NOTE: Only one augmentation may be borne by any armiger.

Useful Information


Simply click on one of the boxes below to learn more about a subject.

Geography Terms of the SMA

Terms like Shire, Province, March, Castle, etc... can be confusing. Click here to learn the differece between the different levels of group from the local level to the Kingdoms of the Realm!

Nobility and Titles

Learn about what titles and recognitions can be achieved as a participating member of the Society of the Middle Ages.


Fealty and Homage

Learn the difference between Fealty and Homage, and how each play an important rol in the SMA!

The Councils

Learn of the imporance of Councils in the Middle Ages, and how they play a role in the SMA. 

The Crown

Learn what The Crown is.

Who are Royal Peers?



What is a Persona?

What role does it play, and what does it mean to me?

Crowns and Coronets

Learn of the  roles of Crowns and Coronets in the SMA, and what titles/positions wear them. Each represents a special honor in the SMA.

Guide to Knighthood in The Society of the Middle Ages

You can also find a wonderully comprehensive Guide to Knighthood that has been put together by Sir Galen of Bristol for all to use! Click Here to access the guide and start your own journey!

Frequently Asked Questions

Vistit the FAQ for answers to very general questions about the SMA.

Local Groups

Find a local group of The Society of the Middle Ages near you! This is a list of the offically recognized groups of the SMA throughout the United States.

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