For our Newcomers

Thank you for checking out the Society of the Middle Ages (SMA)! We are excited that you have decided to check us out, and we hope that you will find a home here with us and start a voyage to a great new hobby and years of fun for you and your family! 

We realize that, as with any new venture, you are probably confused by some of the terms we use and curious about exactly how the SMA is set up. This can be especially confusing if you’ve never taken part in a reenactment group before, and this section of our website is dedicated to you.

We want to make sure we do everything we can to help you on your journey with us. Listed below are links to many pages of useful information, for whenever you decide you need it and are ready to dive in. If you have a question that you don’t see addressed here, please visit the Contact Us page and reach out with any questions you may have. We are here to help anyone interested in joining us in researching and re-creating the life, culture, arts, and martial arts of the Middle Ages. 


Useful Information


Simply click on one of the boxes below to learn more about a subject.

Geography Terms of the SMA

Terms like Shire, Province, March, Castle, etc... can be confusing. Click here to learn the differece between the different levels of group from the local level to the Kingdoms of the Realm!

Nobility and Titles

Learn about what titles and recognitions can be achieved as a participating member of the Society of the Middle Ages.


Fealty and Homage

Learn the difference between Fealty and Homage, and how each play an important rol in the SMA!

The Councils

Learn of the imporance of Councils in the Middle Ages, and how they play a role in the SMA. 

The Crown

Learn what The Crown is.

Who are Royal Peers?



What is a Persona?

What role does it play, and what does it mean to me?

Crowns and Coronets

Learn of the  roles of Crowns and Coronets in the SMA, and what titles/positions wear them. Each represents a special honor in the SMA.

Guide to Knighthood in The Society of the Middle Ages

You can also find a wonderully comprehensive Guide to Knighthood that has been put together by Sir Galen of Bristol for all to use! Click Here to access the guide and start your own journey!

Frequently Asked Questions

Vistit the FAQ for answers to very general questions about the SMA.

Local Groups

Find a local group of The Society of the Middle Ages near you! This is a list of the offically recognized groups of the SMA throughout the United States.

Don't see the information you're looking for?

We will add more newcomer information to this page as we hear from you. Please let us know how we can help you, and we will happily answer any questions that you may have!

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