Letters of Registrations and Returns

LoRR March 2023

Letter of Registrations and Returns Society of the Middle Ages, Inc. Office of the Muskatour King of Arms March 2023Greetings from the Muskatour staff. I am happy to announce that my application to the Board of Directors for a second term of office as the Muskatour...

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LoRR February 2023

Letter of Registrations and Returns Society of the Middle Ages, Inc. Office of the Muskatour King of Arms February 2023Greetings from the Muskatour staff. Each month, I struggle to find something of consequence to include in these cover letters. This month was...

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LoRR January 2023

Letter of Registrations and Returns Society of the Middle Ages, Inc. Office of the Muskatour King of Arms January 2023Greetings from the Muskatour staff. This month saw a particularly small number of submissions, likely due to the holidays occupying so many minds....

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LoRR December 2022

Letter of Registrations and Returns Society of the Middle Ages, Inc. Office of the Muskatour King of Arms December 2022Greetings from the Muskatour office. Being a small organization still in the start-up years is a two-edged sword. This is evident in the College of...

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LoRR November 2022

Letter of Registrations and Returns Society of the Middle Ages, Inc. Office of the Muskatour King of Arms November 2022Greetings from the Muskatour office. Organizations have rules and guidelines to ensure a certain continuity and consistency in their practices and...

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LoRR October 2022

Letter of Registrations and Returns Society of the Middle Ages, Inc. Office of the Muskatour King of Arms October 2022Greetings from the Muskatour office. One of the hazards of reenactment occurs when we strive for authenticity to the point where we find ourselves...

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LoRR September 2022

Letter of Registrations and Returns Society of the Middle Ages, Inc. Office of the Muskatour King of Arms September 2022Greetings from the Muskatour office. After last month’s letter, this month’s seems almost anti-climactic. We really don’t have anything...

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LoRR August 2022

Letter of Registrations and Returns Society of the Middle Ages, Inc. Office of the Muskatour King of Arms August 2022Greetings from the Muskatour office. The VERY few submissions considered this month belies the level of excitement in the College of Arms. Fully half...

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LoRR July 2022

Letter of Registrations and Returns Society of the Middle Ages, Inc. Office of the Muskatour King of Arms July 2022Greetings from the Muskatour office. Heraldry is as much a science as an art. While most people see heraldry as classic designs or catchy artwork, the...

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LoRR June 2022

Letter of Registrations and Returns Society of the Middle Ages, Inc. Office of the Muskatour King of Arms June 2022Greetings from the Muskatour office. At the risk of repeating myself from last month’s letter, please note that it is the responsibility of the client...

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LoRR May 2022

Letter of Registrations and Returns Society of the Middle Ages, Inc. Office of the Muskatour King of Arms May 2022Greetings from the Muskatour office. Please note that it is the responsibility of the client and their consulting herald to provide documentation for...

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LoRR April 2022

Letter of Registrations and Returns Society of the Middle Ages, Inc. Office of the Muskatour King of Arms April 2022Greetings from the Muskatour office. Just a couple of reminders for the general populace… First – armoury cannot be registered without a persona name to...

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